






» » » » » » Top 11 Myths about First Night Sex

Sex is a topic that probably has more myths associated with it than facts. Practically every body part that plays a part in the sexual act has been analysed, scrutinized, facts and myths derived upon. 

 Myth 1: Size matters
It’s not so much the size; it is what you can do with it. A bigger penis doesn’t guarantee great sex. And after all, most women’s vaginas are just three to five inches deep. Better moves and different positions make the size debate immaterial.

Myth 2: Orgasm every time
A lot of women don’t hit the big O every time they have sex. This is where faking or coital stimulation comes into play. For some women, only particular positions work while others might need more intangible help – romantic setting, longer foreplay etc.

Myth 3: Masturbation is unhealthy
Masturbation is just simulated sex. Sex isn’t unhealthy, so isn’t masturbation. There are no limits on the number of times one can do it either. Just ensure it doesn’t become an obsession that eats in to your work or study time.

Myth 4: Good sex should be spontaneous
Chances of spontaneous good sex are few and far between. Sometimes you need to work towards making sex good. Either planning something special or getting innovative would help.

Myth 5: Men want sex more
That’s what men would love to believe. It’s similar to the size myth. Fact is, though, that sex drive isn’t dependent on the gender. Sex drive in both men and women vary with age, stress levels, health and mental state.

Myth 6: Compatibility is equal to good sex
Getting along well off the bed isn’t the same as great chemistry in bed. What works for one person might not work for the other. But keep experimenting and you might arrive at techniques and positions that work for both.

 Myth 7: Must reach orgasm at the same time
That is like saying two people must get the same marks in every test they ever take. It’s great when two people orgasm at the same time. But it can be good otherwise too. Think of it this way, sex lasts longer when you take turns.

 Myth 8: Virginity is easily detectable during sex
The hymen in girls is a very thin layer of skin that breaks with a very little pressure. It can break during some heavy exercises like riding or swimming much before the girl has sex for the first time. You cannot really know when the hymen breaks because the other myth that most girls bleed a little when it breaks is equally faulty.

 Myth 9: Men can’t have multiple orgasms
Orgasm and ejaculation are often mistaken for the same thing in men. They often happen either together or ejaculation occurs soon after orgasm. But with a little practice, multiple orgasms are possible for men.

 Myth 10: The safe cycle is really safe
Each woman’s menstrual cycle varies. It even varies in the same woman over time, depending on physical health, stress levels, hormonal health etc. The safe cycle is a good method only when you have a regular 28-day cycle but it isn’t fool proof.

 Myth 11: Intercourse should last a long time
There are quickies and all-night romps. Sex should last as long as the two partners make it last. Best though is to vary the duration and intensity to keep sexual lives healthy longer.

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