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Romantic and Sensual Unique Wedding Night Gift Ideas for Her

A wedding night is probably the most important and special moment in everyone’s life and you would definitely want to make it very special and memorable for your wife and both of you in particular. Wedding night is a beginning of the new life, new aspirations, new hopes, love, desires and anticipations for a sweet future ahead. It is going to be one of the best occasion in your life, so surprise your wife with some delightful and romantic gift that she would love to have. And if you and your partner are still not into each other and still not very open with each other, a romantic gift is a great idea to open up the conversations and make the things comfortable for her.

You should keep in mind her choices, preferences and temperament while choosing the gift for her. There might be multitude of choices available for the gifts you can choose, but still it is one of the most difficult thing to select the gift that she would really like.

So, here are some of the best romantic gifts for her on the wedding night:

1. Necklace:

Jewelry is the best gift that you can present to her on the wedding night. It is traditional, romantic and all women love jewelry and even in jewelry, necklace is something that would make the eyes of any women sparkle with joy. A pearl necklace or diamond necklace is the best ones and the popular ones in this category. Try exploring the jewelry shops few days before your wedding night and try to find some elegant and contemporary designs that would look good on her. Try to get to know if she has any particular choices of brand, stones or the like in jewelry items and then make this gift a special one that she would cherish for her lifetime.

2. Sexy Lingerie:

You would definitely love to see your life in some beautiful and sexy lingerie, nighties etc. or even your wife would love to see your eyes popped out seeing her in her best. So, buying her some very sexy lingerie items for the wedding night would really make a fantastic gift, particularly on this occasion. It would also help things go more comfortable, romantic and intimate for both of you. It would be fantastic that you take the initiative to break the cold and get things happen more smoothly and nicely.

3. Kamasutra Weekender Gift Package:

This one is probably on the kinky side but it would surely express your desires and intimate feelings for her. After all the wedding night is all about you and her and the intimacy has to be there to make it more special and memorable. Kamasutra Weekender or any other package of sexy and intimate gift is a perfect gift for a the wedding night and for those new to love’s untapped potential. It includes delicate portions of The Original Oil of Love, Pleasure Balm, Love Liquid Lubricant, Sweet Almond Massage Oil and Honey Dust with a feather applicator. Whether your wife likes this one or not also depends on her temperament but most of the women would love this initiative by their husband to make the night romantic and intimate.

4. Sensual Gift Basket:

You can prepare a gift basket full of sensual and romantic gift items such as sensual scents, including bubble bath, skin and hair conditioners, shampoo, soaps, home fragrances, and lotions. Also add some potpourri, dried rose petals and natural earth scents, such as sandalwood, cinnamon, lavender, vanilla and jasmine. You can also add some scented candles to the basket and a book of poetry or erotica to complete the romantic atmosphere. Adding the intimate and sensual gift items such as adult toys, massager etc, is one of the temptations husbands have, but you should know your wife’s temperament and choices and be sure whether she will like those items or not.

5. Honeymoon Vacation:

A romantic honeymoon vacation package to some exotic and her favorite destination is the probably the most romantic gift that you can give her on the wedding night. Surprise her by telling her that you are going on the honeymoon trip on her favorite destination. She might be expecting this one but see the sparkle and joy in her eyes when you actually tell her about the trip.
The first night after marriage or the wedding night is the most romantic and special moment in everyone’s life. It is the night full of love, desire, aspirations and sweet hopes for the the life ahead. To make your wedding night more special, surprising your wife with a romantic gift is the best idea.
Whatever you present to your wife, try spicing it up with some creativity and love to make it feel more special for her. A romantic gift need not be very expensive and large but should be presented with lot of love and feelings that she can feel your love.

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