






» » » » » Top 7 Things Which You Should Not Forget in Bed

Hygiene to protection, imagination to communication, sleep and relaxation, here's what can help your relationship.

Here are tips

1. Brush your teeth before you get to bed. Not kidding. Seriously, a clean mouth is sexier than the sexiest lingerie. Clean smelling breath, freshly washed skin, clean teeth to slide one's tongue along… you get the drift? And while you are at it, you may want to wash your hands and feet as well so if your partner wants to nibble at your toes, suck your fingers or lick your wrists, they don't have to think twice about it. Maintaining basic personal hygiene will make you feel sexier too. Don't obsess about it!

2. Be playful. Sex is meant to be fun, so be playful, be naughty, lighten up, laugh, tickle each other-in short, don't make it into a serious business and take all the joy out of it. Be creative, try new places, positions, times of day, ways of doing. Let your imagination and your desire free. Don't censor your fantasies. Or they may remain only fantasies if you prefer them to stay that way. Either way is fine.

3. Communicate. Be frank and forthright with your partner about what you enjoy and what you don't. If you are shy to put it into words, show it through your actions. Your physical responses to your partner's acts can convey your enjoyment or lack of it. Of course, if you can put it into words, there are fewer chances of miscommunication. And it gives your partner permission to share the same. Remember, this can change-one day you may enjoy a particular act and another day want to do it differently. Your partner is not a mind-reader, so you need to communicate.

4. Stay safe. Use protection. It is a sign of trust, not of mistrust. And a sign that you care for your partner as much as you care about yourself. To avoid unwanted pregnancy and/or infections, condoms are best. If you are gay or lesbian or swing both ways, you still need protection. Use it regularly. Make using protection sexy by integrating it into love-play and keep it handy so you don't interrupt the spontaneity by needing to jump out of bed to get it.

5. Rest up. Sometimes all one needs to rejuvenate a flagging sex life is wholesome rest. Tiring work or home routines may leave one feeling blah about sex, like it's just too much of an effort. Make time for yourself (Me Time), get enough rest and have sex when you are feeling fresh and alert, not when you are tired. A negative experience can make one feel more resistant to having sex the next time around. It's quality, not frequency, that matters.

6. Keep worries out of the bedroom. And your work-related and social networking gizmos as well. If you are constantly on Twitter or WhatsApp or whatever, or worrying about the washing machine or dal and subzi, your partner may feel secondary. Not good for setting up a seduction scene at all. Focus your attention on your partner. It's easy to tell when someone's mind is wandering and that is a turn off for sure.

7. No sex is fine too. There's nothing wrong with not having sex. Don't pressurise yourself or compare yourself with anyone else. There may be phases when you just don't feel like it. That is fine too, as long as you can communicate with your partner about it and show that you love and desire them in other ways. A sensuous kiss or loving hug does not need to turn into anything else if you don't want it to, and it still conveys passion and desire. And if you are single, who says you can't have fun alone if you want?

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Relations Stands with True Hearts and We Works for True Hearts. We Want to Make Your Relation Strong with Your Patner. Be Happy With Your Loving Life and Enjoy the Nature with True Relationship.
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