







It might sound strange but some of my guy friends are not so comfortable around pregnant women and their awkwardness comes out in different ways. Here are three characters I have seen that suddenly appear when interacting with pregnant women.

I’m at the point in my life now where many of my friends have already gotten married and are now looking to start families of their own. In fact, some of these newlywed couples have started taking their first steps to create new families and this means every once in a while, I meet a friend/wife of a friend who is pregnant for the first time.

Now this does not really cause me much concern because I am an elder brother to three other boys all of whom are at least five years younger than me. But some of my friends are damn weird around pregnant women.

The Chatty Companion

So many men I know have gone with this stereotype which must seem endearing if a little bit strange to pregnant women. The Chatty Companion is a man who acknowledges a woman’s pregnancy by talking about it constantly.

Whether it is asking what she can or cannot do during pregnancy, talking about how beautiful the process seems to him or even relating the personal journey of a sister/mother/aunt/brother’s wife to the woman standing in front him.

This chatty fellow will probably talk till the cows come home so be a good friend and save him from himself! Just make sure he doesn’t ask any extremely personal questions or veer into morbid topics.

The Protector

The sight of a pregnant woman who might be a co-worker, friend’s wife or even just a friend is enough to turn certain men into bodyguards. Like somebody, who has taken Bhai-Dooj or Raksha Bandhan too seriously, the protector moves fast to ensure the safety and comfort of his pregnant relation.

He tends to be a bit over-enthusiastic by insisting on helping her up the stairs, carrying even something as light as her purse for her and making sure that nobody stands in her way while she is walking.

I’m sure a lot of pregnant women really appreciate the effort that the Protector makes but sometimes it is a bit too enthusiastic and can be somewhat irritating. I mean, a lot of women would like to carry their own purses, pregnant or not pregnant – thank you very much.

The Pseudo Doctor

This one is a bit more curious than the other ones because for some reason he feels personally responsible for the child. I had a friend once who was convinced that he would have to deliver the baby himself because he would be alone with his sister-in-law at home.

These guys dispense a lot of medical advice such as which time it is appropriate to eat aamla every day and what the pregnant lady should avoid eating altogether. Like a lot of quack pregnancy books, this unsolicited and thoroughly serious advice is best avoided.

To me, pregnant women are pretty much the same as regular people and they don’t need special attention from you unless you ask for it. That’s what I have learned through my experiences with them.

Go ahead and be happy for them because that’s all the support they usually need.

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